We get asked a lot about tents fitting onto pitches, it is not easy to say, if you can’t tell us the size in metres. To help you decide which pitch type you need or how many pitches, we have drawn up some diagrams.
1 square = 1.0m x 1.0m.
An oversized pitch is approximately 15.0m in diameter, approximately 177m2.
A standard pitch is approximately 10.0m in diameter, approximately 78.5m2.
The pitches vary in shape some are oval, some are circular. Every pitch has a sunken fire pit approximately 1.0m across and between 1.0 to 1.5m from the edge of the pitch.
We ask that you use our guide to ensure your tent(s) can fit comfortably onto the pitches and don’t encroach into the long grass, this includes your guy ropes. If in doubt, please book additional pitches for larger groups.
You can’t take a vehicle of any kind to a pitch, this includes trailers and motorbikes. We have a supply of wheel barrows for you to borrow to move stuff to your pitch. This makes the meadows a lot quieter, no car doors slamming and no headlights or indicators flashing late at night and it’s safer for the little ones.